a little bit during the last few months, hardly surprising I guess, given the year just gone. Also, I didn't want to blog until January was out, because honestly it's been a lot lately and worst still, this horrid flu has gone on and on and on, a bit like the renovation really! I'm so mardy, so utterly ready for it to be over and that’s no slight on anyone working for us, it’s just time. We have really good people working for us and if they weren't on board we wouldn't be as far on as we are. It’s that simple. We do appreciate the talent and time in our midst, truly, but we are really just looking forward to it being over, throwing a big party and finally getting to move the fuck on, maybe even have some fun this summer, that would be so nice! It's hard to believe we've only lived full time on the job for 6 months with possibly 3 months left to do bar any unknown issues. It feels like forever.
Still, 8/9 months living here during the renovation will have been more than enough for me and I do not understand how folks can live for years doing a slow renovation on the actual premises! The thing is, this house has coloured our lives one way or another since buying it in 2017! We are just done, done, done, there's no other way to explain it. The last bits are adding up a bit and taking time and I'm sorry that I'm impatient but I am! I do wonder if I have a chip missing? I mean all that moving over the years certainly makes me feel ready to move at any given moment, I'm programmed that way now I sthink, 'itchy feet' they call it but at my advancing age, I do need to settle sometime soon, no? Yes, I suppose so.
I think maybe we'd feel differently if it was to be our forever home and really I don't think it will be, thats not to say we will sell? Maybe we will, maybe we won't or maybe we will just rent it out? There's a lot up in the air right now and time will certainly tell. A lot depends on Philips next work move. That said we are keeping the dream alive and viewing a few houses in the coming weeks. You never know if the right property will tip the balance in favour of a forever life in France? We've not given up quite yet.
Watson pup has also been poorly and still isn't quite himself but he really is becoming a mummies boy bless him, a proper velcro dog. He's re booked in for the snip on the 18th, so cross absolutely everything for us. He needs it and so do we.
I do believe folks, we are all ready for bluer skies and warmer weather, it really can't come soon enough eh?
I've written previously about my dislike of northern France in winter and I haven't changed my mind. I'm so sorry to those that find peace and tranquility in La Belle France, but I think for certain personalities, we can die a little here. I honestly feel my world gets a little too small and I do get rather bored, even though I try to keep myself occupied, I really do.
In other news, eating out here is now a 'no no' for me sadly. For whatever reason my gluten sensitivity is too much and the slightest contamination is a big problem. I've found that France really doesn't pay much heed to Celiacs or allergies in general and I do like to eat out safely. Of course rurally it's more of an issue than it is in cities, I don't live in a city.
Right now we are playing the waiting game, patiently waiting to see which job comes up first for Philip and then we will know what the rest of the year may look like going forward but for now, we wait. There are a few hot irons in the fire and it will all about which contract comes in first, I suppose? At the moment it appears to be between Canada and USA again. The USA no longer appeals to me given the political state of affairs there quite frankly, might have to wait another 4 long years eh!
And so we wait and sometimes, it's just life as usual and then it hits us! Whats next? Do we have one more adventure in us?
I think so, but we also are very aware of the pitfalls of moving lock stock and two smoking barrels across the world again, especially as we are nearer to 60 than 50 now.
Anyway, as I write H is very poorly, still trying to go to work but got stuck at Finchley Station being sick. She's too far from me for me to beable to help and we both feel it. Her winter and mine has been one bug after another and I suspect she has a raging kidney infection bless her. I don't understand these young guns wanting to be in London, I really don't, couldn't think of anything worse to be honest!
No matter the age of the offspring I aways worry. This morning we decided together that she needed a taxi or Uber but that was a no, as was a train home, as being sick on public transport isn't the best as she'd already found out, so an electric bike it was. Hardly ideal when so weak and wooly, but what else could she do? Bloody awful situation. She got home in one piece and got to sleep it off, poor bean. Ash my son works away in Saudi and he's had the same issue with a bad bout of the flu which he says I gave him, but he lives on the Neom campus and at least hasn't had to suffer the bug whilst trying to get home on public transport.
Is it me of has the flu bug been quite something this year? It seems to keep morphing!
I really do wish we still had Big Bertha the RV as we could have packed up and headed towards warmer climes. Such is life!
On a happier note, I'm getting crafty again, this time making sustainable dried flower wreaths and I'm loving it. I'm practicing at the moment and it's keeping me outta trouble somewhat, for now anyway!
D x